
If you would like your ideas, or a link to your business website on ADS19.com please let Neil know via email using Neil_Ann_de_Souza@bigpond.com

Ads19.com gets updated several times a week, and there is a high chance that errors (typos or broken links) can be created. If you do find an error, please let Neil know via email using Neil_Ann_de_Souza@bigpond.com highlighting the error.

There are four ways you can have your information on Ads19.com:
1. Print this page <click> and put the page up at your business and contact Neil. Your business can go in Category 14 or 16 or any other category you see fit.
2. Pay a small fee as specified on page https://ads19.com/webpages/
3. Give a discount or special offer to people who have Ads19.com vouchers – your business will appear in category 18
4. Talk to Neil about a win-win scenario

Ads19.com has been developed in Magill, Adelaide, South Australia initiated by the Covid 19 pandemic in order to help people:

—- who have business ideas, to test them by marketing them fast with little or no outlay.Web pages can be created in minutes working together with you one on one, and then Category 19 below highlights a few websites where you can advertise your ideas for free. 

—— come up with great business ideas. A course to help you come up with great ideas is discussed in Category 8 below.

—– find out where you can to Advertise For Free. See Category 19 below. Also If you this Ads19.com is a good idea, please print <click> and display on a community notice board or at a business premises near you.

—– help people be better off, when they spend a few minutes checking out what is new on the website.

—– help people think win-win <click>.

It was last updated on 2 September 2020.

Thanks for checking out Ads19.com

Ads19.com Categories: 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Top. Facebook. Contact.

Other stuff: 

—— A  B  C  N  X    (vehicles to get ahead in life financially)  fyi

—– “Ads” stands for “Adelaide Display Service” or “Adelaide Dissemination Service”. Any other ideas?

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